12th of April, 2020


April Flurries

Jig in G

An original tune composed this week as I looked out the window and watched a few centimeters of snow begin to accumulate. This happens every year in Chicago, and every year the whole city seems surprised by it. Perhaps we are just an optimistic people - holding out hope that Spring will arrive earlier than usual.

Sloppily recorded on mandolin and bouzouki

T:April Flurries
C:Ben Pierro
|:GAB d2B | cBA GED | GAB dBc | BAG d2d | GAB d2B | cBA GED | GAB AGE | DEF G3:|
|:Bde g2g | fed BAG | Bde gfe | fgf e2d | Bde g2g | fed Bde | fed BAG | ABF G3:|